Thank you for having taken part in ICCG-10 ! We wish you all the best , ICCG10 team
------- 1st Circular , July 15th, 2018
Thank you again for taking part in ICCG-10, to be held at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and École Normale Supérieure in Paris from July 16th to July 20th! Below you will find practical information regarding the conference. Please make sure you arrive early on Monday morning, so that you have time to collect your conference bag, check that your registration is valid, relax and drink coffee before the conference starts. A left-luggage room is available for the whole duration of the conference. ASSISTANCE Members of the organizing committee will answer your questions and provide assistance. You will recognize them thanks to their bright-orange T-shirts. PROGRAM & BOOK OF ABSTRACTS The official program is on the website. You can pick up a printed version as you collect your conference package. The book of abstract will be published on the ICCG10 website in the course of the week. A printed version will also be available at the conference. Updates (changes and cancellations) will be notified:
NEWS and UPDATES We have added a « News » section at the top of the home page (https://iccg10.sciencesconf.org/). Please refer to this section from now on as any update, program change, last-minute info, etc. will appear there. PRINTING and COPYING There are many cheap PRINTING or COPYING facilities near the Sorbonne Nouvelle University:
All the above provide affordable options in case you need to print a handout at the last minute. As a last resort, you may contact Aliyah Morgenstern (aliyah.morgenstern@gmail.com) for last-minute printing requests. If you want to print your poster in Paris, please contact the above companies asap to make sure they will have enough time to print it. POSTERS
REFUNDS In case of overpayment during registration, we will do what we can to obtain a refund for you. If this applies to you, please contact Aliyah Morgenstern. Refunds cannot be made via the payment module and are granted on a case-by-case basis after the conference. If you apply for a refund because of a late cancellation, we cannot guarantee a full reimbursement. COMPUTERS Each room is equipped with:
We plan to have HDMI connection in all rooms, but cannot guarantee it today. If your computer does not support VGA, you may either bring your own HDMI cable or read the paragraph below. We highly recommend having all relevant materials copied to your USB flash drive (suitable for a Windows operating system) or stored on a cloud. Powerpoint presentations should also be converted into pdf in case something goes wrong with the original presentation. If you wish to use your own laptops, you are free to do so. Please note that if you use a Mac, we kindly ask you to supply your own adapter. TIMING Présentations last 30 minutes. The actual presentation should be 20 minutes, leaving 8 minutes for questions. We reserve 2 minutes for transition between speakers. It is recommended to upload your presentation in advance, during the coffee breaks or lunch breaks. INTERNET ACCESS There is an Eduroam wireless network on campus, so you can access the internet automatically from your laptops. We have also set up a wireless internet access for the duration of the conference (login: p3-censier, pwd: coursdete). CONVENIENCE ROOM A convenience room is available at the cafeteria, should presenters need to work, relax, or charge their laptops or cell phones. The cafeteria is close to the main amphitheater. WEATHER There has been a heatwave in Paris for the past couple of weeks. Chances are the heatwave will go on. For weather updates, please check the Weather Channel. CONTACT Any question regarding logistics should be addressed to Aliyah Morgenstern (aliyah.morgenstern@gmail.com). Any question regarding scientific aspects should be addressed to Myriam Bouveret (myriam.bouveret@gmail.com). SOCIAL NETWORKS The hashtag for the conference is #ICCG10
We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris and wish you a very pleasant trip! The ICCG-10 organizing committee. Bienvenue sur le site de l'ICCG 10 ! ICCG-10 souhaite être le lieu d’échanges fructueux entre les différentes approches en grammaire(s) de construction, telles que la grammaire cognitive de construction, la grammaire de construction fluide, la grammaire de construction radicale, la grammaire de construction “sign-based”, la grammaire de construction située, ou d’autres approches. Le colloque entend également mettre l’accent sur les différentes méthodologies en usage ainsi que les applications de la grammaire de construction. Quelles sont les méthodes utilisées (statistiques, expérimentations, corpus, etc….). Comment les données sont-elles collectées? De quelle manière la notion de construction constitue-t-elle un apport éclairant en enseignement des langues, en acquisition des langues ? Quelles sont les applications industrielles possibles ?
Deux journées de tutoriels les 19 et 20 juillet seront consacrées au traitement des données et aux méthodologies en grammaire de construction. inscriptions et paiement Le module d'inscription est maintenant ouvert ! L'accès aux tutoriels 19-20 juillet est compris dans le prix d'inscription au colloque 16-18 juillet. L'inscription aux tutoriels EST désormais OUVERTE. Envoyez votre demande d'inscription en mentionnant dans l'objet "TUTORIELS ICCG10" à l'adresse iccg10@sciencesconf.org jusqu'au 15 juin 2018, L'accès aux tutoriels sera limité à 50 personnes. Les tarifs ci-dessous incluent 3 déjeuners, 6 pauses café, un coktail de bienvenue Registration is a two-step process. It will not be complete until both steps have been finalized.
a. log into the ICCG10 conference website with your sciencesconf.org credentials.
Our secure-payment module is external to the ICCG conference website. Conférenciers invités
Où publier après la conférence ? Nous invitons les participants du colloque à envisager de publier leur présentation sous forme d'article dans la revue CogniTextes. CogniTextes est la revue à comité de lecture de l’Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo). Véritable plateforme d’échange scientifique, CogniTextes s’est donné pour mission de forger des liens durables entre les chercheurs travaillant, de près ou de loin, dans le domaine de la linguistique cognitive et prêts à participer à son développement en France et au-delà. CogniTextes publie des contributions inédites sous forme d’articles (longs et courts), de critiques d’ouvrages et de débats. |
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